How Is Mesothelioma Treated?
By Linda Woodhouse
Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles. However, they may have been been exposed to asbestos dust and fibre in other ways. This could include working with asbestos or by home renovation using asbestos cement products or even by washing the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos. The resulting disease is rare form of cancer in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body's internal organs.
Mesothelioma occurs more often in men than in women and risk increases with age, but this disease can appear in either men or women at any age. About 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States each year. Although reported incidence rates have increased in the past 20 years, mesothelioma is still a relatively rare cancer.
There are various procedures used for the treatment of mesothelioma. The type of treatment depends on the location of the cancer, the stage of the disease, and the patient's age and general health.
A common treatment of the disease is by means of surgery by the removal of part of the lining of the chest or abdomen and some of the tissue around it. For cancer of the pleura, a lung may be removed in an operation called a pneumonectomy. Sometimes part of the diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing, is also removed.
Another method is Radiation therapy, also called radiotherapy. This involves the use of high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation therapy affects the cancer cells only in the treated area. The radiation may come from a machine or from putting materials that produce radiation through thin plastic tubes into the area where the cancer cells are found .
Anticancer drugs can be used to kill cancer cells throughout the body. This is known as chemotherapy and involves the administration of the drugs by injection into a vein (intravenous, or IV). Currently, doctors are also studying the effectiveness of putting chemotherapy directly into the chest or abdomen.
Because mesothelioma is very hard to control, the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) is sponsoring clinical trials that are designed to find new treatments and better ways to use current treatments.
Looking for information about Mesothelioma? Go to: 'Mesothelioma Legal Review' is published by Linda Woodhouse - The complete resource directory for Mesothelioma related information, legal services, and products Check out more Mesothelioma articles at:
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
The Lung Cancer Epidemic
The Lung Cancer Epidemic
By Scott William
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the American population and the western world. Lung cancer use to be the leading cause of cancer deaths in American men only, but since 1988, women have caught up with men and since then lung cancer is leading cause of cancer deaths in women as well. Well over 170,000 cases of lung cancers are diagnosed in the United States each year. Very few fortunate ones get cured from this miserable disease. About 157,000 people die as the direct result of lung cancer.
The mortality related to lung cancer exceeds the combined mortality rates of second (breast cancer), third (prostate cancer), and fourth (colon cancer) leading causes of cancer death. How would we react if every day a Boing 747 crashes and all the passengers die? That’s what happens with lung cancer. About 430 people die every day from lung cancer.
Despite the high rates of cancer deaths, lung cancer receives much less attention compared to other cancers, especially breast cancer. Lung cancer research receives much less funding, and general public takes much less interest in lung cancer. Even though lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among men and women, very little research and scientific progress occurs in the field of lung cancer.
It is estimated that about $1,723 per cancer deaths is spent on lung cancer research where as the corresponding figures for breast cancer ($13,953), prostate cancer ($10,318) and colorectal cancer (4,618) are much higher. It is interesting to note that the department of defense funds breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer but not lung cancer.
Part of the problem associated with lung cancer research funding is the fact that, there are not many lung cancer survivors to lobby for the cause of lung cancer. High mortality rates associated with lung cancer leaves very few survivors to fight for their cause, and even those fortunate survivors are not in very good health, since most of these survivors are patients who had undergone extensive lung resection.
There is also a stigma associated with lung cancer. Unlike many other types of cancers risk of lung cancer is very much linked with smoking. Many who deal with lung cancer patients and the patient himself think that the disease is the direct result of misbehavior. This fills a feeling of guilt on the lung cancer patients who tend to blame themselves. Also this acts against any fund-raising program aimed at lung cancer where people unconsciously feel that lung cancer is a disease that these patients brought on themselves.
More funding and research are urgently needed for lung cancer. We all have to join our hands to fight this miserable enemy of the human species.
Copyright © 2006
Scott William is the webmaster for a site dedicated to medical information. For more information and for Symptoms and signs of lung cancer please visit author's website.
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By Scott William
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the American population and the western world. Lung cancer use to be the leading cause of cancer deaths in American men only, but since 1988, women have caught up with men and since then lung cancer is leading cause of cancer deaths in women as well. Well over 170,000 cases of lung cancers are diagnosed in the United States each year. Very few fortunate ones get cured from this miserable disease. About 157,000 people die as the direct result of lung cancer.
The mortality related to lung cancer exceeds the combined mortality rates of second (breast cancer), third (prostate cancer), and fourth (colon cancer) leading causes of cancer death. How would we react if every day a Boing 747 crashes and all the passengers die? That’s what happens with lung cancer. About 430 people die every day from lung cancer.
Despite the high rates of cancer deaths, lung cancer receives much less attention compared to other cancers, especially breast cancer. Lung cancer research receives much less funding, and general public takes much less interest in lung cancer. Even though lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among men and women, very little research and scientific progress occurs in the field of lung cancer.
It is estimated that about $1,723 per cancer deaths is spent on lung cancer research where as the corresponding figures for breast cancer ($13,953), prostate cancer ($10,318) and colorectal cancer (4,618) are much higher. It is interesting to note that the department of defense funds breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer but not lung cancer.
Part of the problem associated with lung cancer research funding is the fact that, there are not many lung cancer survivors to lobby for the cause of lung cancer. High mortality rates associated with lung cancer leaves very few survivors to fight for their cause, and even those fortunate survivors are not in very good health, since most of these survivors are patients who had undergone extensive lung resection.
There is also a stigma associated with lung cancer. Unlike many other types of cancers risk of lung cancer is very much linked with smoking. Many who deal with lung cancer patients and the patient himself think that the disease is the direct result of misbehavior. This fills a feeling of guilt on the lung cancer patients who tend to blame themselves. Also this acts against any fund-raising program aimed at lung cancer where people unconsciously feel that lung cancer is a disease that these patients brought on themselves.
More funding and research are urgently needed for lung cancer. We all have to join our hands to fight this miserable enemy of the human species.
Copyright © 2006
Scott William is the webmaster for a site dedicated to medical information. For more information and for Symptoms and signs of lung cancer please visit author's website.
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The Facts About Lung Cancer - Better To Be Aware
The Facts About Lung Cancer - Better To Be Aware
By Jon Butt
Keep yourself abreast of facts about lung cancer, as the statistics of affliction are staggering and in most cases, lung cancer can even be prevented. Cancer, the dreaded disease, is a malady marked by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, which rapidly destroy healthy tissue. Although changes in the lung begin almost immediately upon exposure to carcinogens, lung cancer takes years to develop.
In fact, Mesothelioma research news states that the period of the onset of Mesothelioma cancer could be from 10 to 60 years from the time of exposure to asbestos.
What Do We Know About Lung Cancer So Far?
Lung cancer facts indicate that most people afflicted with the disease are those over fifty who have been smoking for a long period. Research news points out that the symptoms of lung cancer are dependant on several factors, including the location of the tumor in the lung. A chronic cough, repeated lung infections, wheezing, chest pain - any or all of these may be indicative of lung cancer.
Cigarette smoke, with its high concentration of carcinogens, inhaled by both smokers and nonsmokers is the leading cause of lung cancer. Facts about environmental exposure to Radon compounded with smoking increases the risk of lung cancer. Another principal cause of lung cancer is occupational exposure to carcinogens like asbestos, which has been documented in many Mesothelioma lung cancer cases.
Treatment of lung cancer is currently limited in its efficacy. Different types of carcinomas involve different regions of the lung, giving rise to different symptoms, and requiring different lines of treatment.
Lung cancer treatment is also different in cases where cancer cells spread from other organs to the lungs. Apart from surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy in cancer treatment, oncogene research results are positive in their efforts to find drugs that "turn off" the abnormal genes, ending cancer growth.
Lung cancer statistics are in your hands - Do something about it.
Holding your hand in your hour of need, Jon Butt is the publisher of The Mesothelioma Guide, a free resource of Mesothelioma support, advice and legal help along with alternative remedies, natural supplements and more. From mesothelioma treatments to clinics, specialist doctors to hospitals, we help you and your family cope with life by supplying the facts that you need.
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By Jon Butt
Keep yourself abreast of facts about lung cancer, as the statistics of affliction are staggering and in most cases, lung cancer can even be prevented. Cancer, the dreaded disease, is a malady marked by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, which rapidly destroy healthy tissue. Although changes in the lung begin almost immediately upon exposure to carcinogens, lung cancer takes years to develop.
In fact, Mesothelioma research news states that the period of the onset of Mesothelioma cancer could be from 10 to 60 years from the time of exposure to asbestos.
What Do We Know About Lung Cancer So Far?
Lung cancer facts indicate that most people afflicted with the disease are those over fifty who have been smoking for a long period. Research news points out that the symptoms of lung cancer are dependant on several factors, including the location of the tumor in the lung. A chronic cough, repeated lung infections, wheezing, chest pain - any or all of these may be indicative of lung cancer.
Cigarette smoke, with its high concentration of carcinogens, inhaled by both smokers and nonsmokers is the leading cause of lung cancer. Facts about environmental exposure to Radon compounded with smoking increases the risk of lung cancer. Another principal cause of lung cancer is occupational exposure to carcinogens like asbestos, which has been documented in many Mesothelioma lung cancer cases.
Treatment of lung cancer is currently limited in its efficacy. Different types of carcinomas involve different regions of the lung, giving rise to different symptoms, and requiring different lines of treatment.
Lung cancer treatment is also different in cases where cancer cells spread from other organs to the lungs. Apart from surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy in cancer treatment, oncogene research results are positive in their efforts to find drugs that "turn off" the abnormal genes, ending cancer growth.
Lung cancer statistics are in your hands - Do something about it.
Holding your hand in your hour of need, Jon Butt is the publisher of The Mesothelioma Guide, a free resource of Mesothelioma support, advice and legal help along with alternative remedies, natural supplements and more. From mesothelioma treatments to clinics, specialist doctors to hospitals, we help you and your family cope with life by supplying the facts that you need.
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Mesothelioma: A Cancer Which Is Caused Due To Exposure To Asbestos
Mesothelioma: A Cancer Which Is Caused Due To Exposure To Asbestos
By Farzina Naznin
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which is generally caused due to the exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma is a critical form of cancer which generally affects the lungs of the human organism. Mostly those people who are very much prone to the exposure of asbestos in their day to day life will lead to get affected by Mesothelioma. In this consideration, mostly, the labors in the industrial and in the construction firm get affected by Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is virtually caused due to the exposure to asbestos, which generally gets into one’s body through tiny dust like particles which float in the air in the process of inhaling.
Symptoms of mesothelioma are many and varied. The most common sign or symptom of Mesothelioma is lack of proper inhaling, continuous coughing, constant pain in the chest, etc. In addition to this, loss of weight, swelling of the abdomen, fever and anemia are also some other Mesothelioma symptoms. Mesothelioma is a very rare form of cancer and hence the proper diagnosis of it cannot be enhanced due to the different symptoms that crop up in Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma can be treated in various ways. The most common and the basic form of Mesothelioma treatment is through surgery. The surgery will help in the removal of the affected lining of the body organs whether it be in the chest, abdomen or in the neck. Another popular form of Mesothelioma treatment is the radiation therapy. This radiation therapy or radiotherapy is implied in order to kill the cancer affects cell areas.
Mesothelioma thus becomes a deadly disease when no remedial measures are taken to overcome it and when exposure to asbestos is not controlled. But at present, there are various Mesothelioma law firms which are established in many countries of the world especially in those places where there is high percentage of mesothelioma, a cancer which is the result of high exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma law firm is entitled to provide advice to thousands of mesothelioma patients every year. Mesothelioma law firms are large enough to have huge resources and years of experience. Each case of mesothelioma is handled individually and proper investigations are made to help out the clients. Mesothelioma law firm provides adequate counseling to the victims of asbestos. The mesothelioma law firms are based on two aspects. Firstly, to alert the victims about the possibility of this cancer due to the exposure to asbestos and secondly to improve the work place where exposure of asbestos are common.
Farzina Naznin as a writer has been associated with various sites like for writing articles. Moreover, these sites will enable the writer to know the various forms of cancer and also about their treatments.
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By Farzina Naznin
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which is generally caused due to the exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma is a critical form of cancer which generally affects the lungs of the human organism. Mostly those people who are very much prone to the exposure of asbestos in their day to day life will lead to get affected by Mesothelioma. In this consideration, mostly, the labors in the industrial and in the construction firm get affected by Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is virtually caused due to the exposure to asbestos, which generally gets into one’s body through tiny dust like particles which float in the air in the process of inhaling.
Symptoms of mesothelioma are many and varied. The most common sign or symptom of Mesothelioma is lack of proper inhaling, continuous coughing, constant pain in the chest, etc. In addition to this, loss of weight, swelling of the abdomen, fever and anemia are also some other Mesothelioma symptoms. Mesothelioma is a very rare form of cancer and hence the proper diagnosis of it cannot be enhanced due to the different symptoms that crop up in Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma can be treated in various ways. The most common and the basic form of Mesothelioma treatment is through surgery. The surgery will help in the removal of the affected lining of the body organs whether it be in the chest, abdomen or in the neck. Another popular form of Mesothelioma treatment is the radiation therapy. This radiation therapy or radiotherapy is implied in order to kill the cancer affects cell areas.
Mesothelioma thus becomes a deadly disease when no remedial measures are taken to overcome it and when exposure to asbestos is not controlled. But at present, there are various Mesothelioma law firms which are established in many countries of the world especially in those places where there is high percentage of mesothelioma, a cancer which is the result of high exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma law firm is entitled to provide advice to thousands of mesothelioma patients every year. Mesothelioma law firms are large enough to have huge resources and years of experience. Each case of mesothelioma is handled individually and proper investigations are made to help out the clients. Mesothelioma law firm provides adequate counseling to the victims of asbestos. The mesothelioma law firms are based on two aspects. Firstly, to alert the victims about the possibility of this cancer due to the exposure to asbestos and secondly to improve the work place where exposure of asbestos are common.
Farzina Naznin as a writer has been associated with various sites like for writing articles. Moreover, these sites will enable the writer to know the various forms of cancer and also about their treatments.
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An Introduction To Mesothelioma Lawsuits
An Introduction To Mesothelioma Lawsuits
By Ken Marlborough
Federal law in the US entitles individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma to file a lawsuit against the errant company or companies. Mesothelioma, being a deadly form of cancer, ruins the prospects of victims and their families. This effectively means that mesothelioma lawsuits are a necessity – something that can mitigate the sufferings of the family.
Mesothelioma lawsuits are complex, and hence require the services of expert mesothelioma lawyers or law firms. Since the disease has an extremely long latency period, the manifestation of the disease can come after several decades of actual exposure to asbestos. For instance, in several cases it was found that people now being diagnosed with mesothelioma were exposed to asbestos thirty to forty years ago, or even before that. Consequently, mesothelioma lawsuits become extremely challenging, as they call for extraordinary efforts on the part of the lawyers or law firms. Mesothelioma lawsuits often result in millions of dollars for the victims.
While dealing with mesothelioma, it is pertinent to remember a few basic things about mesothelioma lawsuits. Perhaps the most important is the fact that mesothelioma patients should file their lawsuits almost immediately upon diagnosis. This is because many states across the US have a time limit for filing mesothelioma lawsuits.
Mesothelioma lawsuits are a boon for ailing family members or dependents when the earning member is diagnosed with the cancer. The lawsuit seeks to offer a secure future to the dependent family members, and also helps them to treat the patient. In case mesothelioma is diagnosed too late and the patient passes away, the regulations are slightly different. However, even in this case, it is advisable for family members to file the lawsuit as soon as possible in order to realize a successful settlement.
Individuals can also file a lawsuit if they have respiratory problems and are a close family member of someone who worked with asbestos. It is possible that individuals working with asbestos may have carried asbestos dust and fibers to their homes, thereby infecting other members. Although it is understood that the patients identified with mesothelioma may not come out of the painful experience of parting with their near and dear ones, lawsuits often help by mitigating the pain to an extent by providing a secure future.
Mesothelioma Lawyers provides detailed information on Mesothelioma Lawyers, Mesothelioma Asbestos Lawyers, Mesothelioma Lawsuits, Mesothelioma Settlements and more. Mesothelioma Lawyers is affiliated with New York Medical Malpractice Lawyers.
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By Ken Marlborough
Federal law in the US entitles individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma to file a lawsuit against the errant company or companies. Mesothelioma, being a deadly form of cancer, ruins the prospects of victims and their families. This effectively means that mesothelioma lawsuits are a necessity – something that can mitigate the sufferings of the family.
Mesothelioma lawsuits are complex, and hence require the services of expert mesothelioma lawyers or law firms. Since the disease has an extremely long latency period, the manifestation of the disease can come after several decades of actual exposure to asbestos. For instance, in several cases it was found that people now being diagnosed with mesothelioma were exposed to asbestos thirty to forty years ago, or even before that. Consequently, mesothelioma lawsuits become extremely challenging, as they call for extraordinary efforts on the part of the lawyers or law firms. Mesothelioma lawsuits often result in millions of dollars for the victims.
While dealing with mesothelioma, it is pertinent to remember a few basic things about mesothelioma lawsuits. Perhaps the most important is the fact that mesothelioma patients should file their lawsuits almost immediately upon diagnosis. This is because many states across the US have a time limit for filing mesothelioma lawsuits.
Mesothelioma lawsuits are a boon for ailing family members or dependents when the earning member is diagnosed with the cancer. The lawsuit seeks to offer a secure future to the dependent family members, and also helps them to treat the patient. In case mesothelioma is diagnosed too late and the patient passes away, the regulations are slightly different. However, even in this case, it is advisable for family members to file the lawsuit as soon as possible in order to realize a successful settlement.
Individuals can also file a lawsuit if they have respiratory problems and are a close family member of someone who worked with asbestos. It is possible that individuals working with asbestos may have carried asbestos dust and fibers to their homes, thereby infecting other members. Although it is understood that the patients identified with mesothelioma may not come out of the painful experience of parting with their near and dear ones, lawsuits often help by mitigating the pain to an extent by providing a secure future.
Mesothelioma Lawyers provides detailed information on Mesothelioma Lawyers, Mesothelioma Asbestos Lawyers, Mesothelioma Lawsuits, Mesothelioma Settlements and more. Mesothelioma Lawyers is affiliated with New York Medical Malpractice Lawyers.
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Mesothelioma Diagnosis: A Guide
Mesothelioma Diagnosis: A Guide
By Kristy Diagnosis of mesothelioma is a difficult procedure. It is to analyze the symptoms in the initial stages. The symptoms of this rare disease make the diagnosis very difficult even to a doctor, since the symptoms would be very similar to other common diseases in the early stages of this deadly disease. Delay in the diagnosis is very common in most of the cases. As a matter of fact these symptoms can appear as non-specific to both the patient and their doctors.
A careful assessment is needed in the diagnosis of mesothelioma which relates both the clinical and radiological findings. The tissue biopsy is also confirmed carefully along with the above factors. The reviewing of the patient’s medical history can be very helpful to diagnose mesothelioma. Observation of the disease and the history includes details such as the patient’s asbestos exposure, the complete physical examination, x-ray results of the chest and abdomen, and the lung function tests.
A Computerized Tomography (CT) scan or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan may also be taken at this level. If the preliminary test results prove suspicious, then a biopsy is performed for confirming the diagnosis. The location of the cancer can be determined with the help of performing the biopsy. If the biopsy test confirms the presence of mesothelioma, the stage of the cancer is then determined. A series of tests are performed to determine the amount of cancerous cells that have spread.
If the test shows that the cancerous cells are not developed beyond the membrane, then the disease is considered to be localized. During this diagnosis procedure, various tests are performed such as the imaging tests, which includes the use of x-rays; CT (Computed Tomography) scans; MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging); PET (Positron Emission Tomography); bronchoscopy or mediastinoscopy, used to look into the affected area; cytology, used to test the pleural fluid after it is removed by a needle; thoracoscopy, used to look directly into the tumor; needle biopsy; and open biopsy. Those are the major tests that are performed during the mesothelioma diagnosis.
Mesothelioma Litigation provides detailed information on History of Mesothelioma Litigation, Mesothelioma Diagnosis: A Guide, Mesothelioma Laws, Mesothelioma Lawyers: A Guide and more. Mesothelioma Litigation is affiliated with California Contractor License Bond.
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By Kristy Diagnosis of mesothelioma is a difficult procedure. It is to analyze the symptoms in the initial stages. The symptoms of this rare disease make the diagnosis very difficult even to a doctor, since the symptoms would be very similar to other common diseases in the early stages of this deadly disease. Delay in the diagnosis is very common in most of the cases. As a matter of fact these symptoms can appear as non-specific to both the patient and their doctors.
A careful assessment is needed in the diagnosis of mesothelioma which relates both the clinical and radiological findings. The tissue biopsy is also confirmed carefully along with the above factors. The reviewing of the patient’s medical history can be very helpful to diagnose mesothelioma. Observation of the disease and the history includes details such as the patient’s asbestos exposure, the complete physical examination, x-ray results of the chest and abdomen, and the lung function tests.
A Computerized Tomography (CT) scan or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan may also be taken at this level. If the preliminary test results prove suspicious, then a biopsy is performed for confirming the diagnosis. The location of the cancer can be determined with the help of performing the biopsy. If the biopsy test confirms the presence of mesothelioma, the stage of the cancer is then determined. A series of tests are performed to determine the amount of cancerous cells that have spread.
If the test shows that the cancerous cells are not developed beyond the membrane, then the disease is considered to be localized. During this diagnosis procedure, various tests are performed such as the imaging tests, which includes the use of x-rays; CT (Computed Tomography) scans; MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging); PET (Positron Emission Tomography); bronchoscopy or mediastinoscopy, used to look into the affected area; cytology, used to test the pleural fluid after it is removed by a needle; thoracoscopy, used to look directly into the tumor; needle biopsy; and open biopsy. Those are the major tests that are performed during the mesothelioma diagnosis.
Mesothelioma Litigation provides detailed information on History of Mesothelioma Litigation, Mesothelioma Diagnosis: A Guide, Mesothelioma Laws, Mesothelioma Lawyers: A Guide and more. Mesothelioma Litigation is affiliated with California Contractor License Bond.
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An Introduction To Mesothelioma Treatment
An Introduction To Mesothelioma Treatment
By Marcus Peterson
Conventional therapies are of little use in Mesothelioma Treatment. The survival time after diagnosis is around 6 to 12 months. The spread of malignant cells to the underlying tissue and other organs in the pleural cavity, the pleural cavity encouraging local metastasis by exfoliated cells, the long inactive period between asbestos exposure and development of the disease are among the chief reasons for the malignancy not responding to treatments.
Surgery for mesothelioma may be performed to relieve pain and discomfort caused by the tumor or to cure the patient. Palliative surgery is typically done in cases where the tumor has already spread beyond the mesothelium and is difficult to completely remove or in cases where the patient is too ill to tolerate a more extensive operation. Curative surgery is offered when the patient is in good health and the tumor is thought to be localized and can be completely removed.
Mesothelioma is highly resistant to radiation therapy and chemotherapy. These treatments are mainly used relieve symptoms due to tumor metastasis. The Food and Drug Administration approved in February 2004 the use of pemetrexed, brand named Alimta, for the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma has reacted positively to certain treatments using immunotherapy. The attempt to boost immune response using intrapleural inoculation of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) had not effect in Mesothelioma treatment and the patients who underwent this treatment had several side effects. Immunotherapy involving interferon alpha has been able to reduce tumor by 50% in certain patients. The side effects of this treatment were minimal.
Heated intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy, a procedure developed by Paul Sugarbaker at the Washington Cancer Institute is a breakthrough in Mesothelioma treatment. He is able to remove a larger amount of tumor by the direct administration of a chemotherapy agent in the abdomen. In this treatment, high concentrations of selected drugs can be administrated into the abdominal and pelvic surfaces. The fluid used is perfused for 60 to 120 minutes and then drained out. When the drug is heated to 40 to 48 degree Celsius, it increases the penetration of drugs into tissues. The heating also damages the malignant cells.
New treatment approaches such as gene therapy are under clinical trials. Age, contributing health problems, or advanced state of disease may make aggressive treatment impossible. In these cases, palliative care which treats the symptoms is ideal.
Mesothelioma Treatment provides detailed information on Mesothelioma Treatment, Mesothelioma Treatment Options, Alternative Mesothelioma Treatment, New Mesothelioma Treatment and more. Mesothelioma Treatment is affiliated with Mesothelioma Doctors Info.
Article Source:
By Marcus Peterson
Conventional therapies are of little use in Mesothelioma Treatment. The survival time after diagnosis is around 6 to 12 months. The spread of malignant cells to the underlying tissue and other organs in the pleural cavity, the pleural cavity encouraging local metastasis by exfoliated cells, the long inactive period between asbestos exposure and development of the disease are among the chief reasons for the malignancy not responding to treatments.
Surgery for mesothelioma may be performed to relieve pain and discomfort caused by the tumor or to cure the patient. Palliative surgery is typically done in cases where the tumor has already spread beyond the mesothelium and is difficult to completely remove or in cases where the patient is too ill to tolerate a more extensive operation. Curative surgery is offered when the patient is in good health and the tumor is thought to be localized and can be completely removed.
Mesothelioma is highly resistant to radiation therapy and chemotherapy. These treatments are mainly used relieve symptoms due to tumor metastasis. The Food and Drug Administration approved in February 2004 the use of pemetrexed, brand named Alimta, for the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma has reacted positively to certain treatments using immunotherapy. The attempt to boost immune response using intrapleural inoculation of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) had not effect in Mesothelioma treatment and the patients who underwent this treatment had several side effects. Immunotherapy involving interferon alpha has been able to reduce tumor by 50% in certain patients. The side effects of this treatment were minimal.
Heated intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy, a procedure developed by Paul Sugarbaker at the Washington Cancer Institute is a breakthrough in Mesothelioma treatment. He is able to remove a larger amount of tumor by the direct administration of a chemotherapy agent in the abdomen. In this treatment, high concentrations of selected drugs can be administrated into the abdominal and pelvic surfaces. The fluid used is perfused for 60 to 120 minutes and then drained out. When the drug is heated to 40 to 48 degree Celsius, it increases the penetration of drugs into tissues. The heating also damages the malignant cells.
New treatment approaches such as gene therapy are under clinical trials. Age, contributing health problems, or advanced state of disease may make aggressive treatment impossible. In these cases, palliative care which treats the symptoms is ideal.
Mesothelioma Treatment provides detailed information on Mesothelioma Treatment, Mesothelioma Treatment Options, Alternative Mesothelioma Treatment, New Mesothelioma Treatment and more. Mesothelioma Treatment is affiliated with Mesothelioma Doctors Info.
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