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Saturday, January 05, 2008

The Leading Causes of Mesothelioma

The Leading Causes of Mesothelioma
By Alex Scott

What is mesothelioma and how does one get it? When you learn and understand mesothelioma causes, you will know how to avoid this condition and if you already have been diagnosed with it, it will help you determine what may have caused it. For many years, people were unaware of what caused this type of cancer. We now know that 9 out of 10 cases are caused by exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos is a natural mineral that is mined from the rocks in many countries. People who worked in mines were often exposed as well as people who worked in construction because asbestos was used in insulation for homes and buildings. Asbestos fibers are very tiny but strong as steel and can be woven similar to cotton and are resistant to chemicals and to heat.

Prior to around the 1980s, asbestos was commonly used in homes for many different uses. It was also used in construction and ship building. Then it was discovered that when the asbestos is damaged, it releases these tiny fibers that get into the lungs and make it difficult to breathe. These fibers build up in the lungs and cause inflammation and fibrosis. In some cases, this can also lead to cancer in the lungs.

It was in the 1960s that we first began to make the links between asbestos and mesothelioma. In addition to causing lung problems and possible cancer, the fibers from asbestos can be swallowed and this causes problems in the digestive system as well.

Some people and professions that may have been exposed to asbestos. Examples of professions include construction workers, boilermakers, electricians, plumbers, demolition workers, shipbuilders and people who lives or worked with people in these profession or people who lived and worked in places where asbestos was made. People who lived or worked in buildings that had asbestos in them are also at risk. If any of these conditions match you and you were diagnosed with mesothelioma, it was probably caused by this asbestos.

Family members of people who were exposed to asbestos are sometimes affected if the person came home with asbestos on their clothing and bodies. There are rare cases where people have developed this type of cancer and have not been exposed to asbestos. The exact cause of this is unknown but it has been linked to some cases of radiation exposure.

This cancer can appear from 10-60 years after your first exposure to asbestos and this is what made it so long to discover what was causing most cases. There are still people who were exposed years ago that may have yet to have been diagnosed with cancer but it doesn't mean they don't have it or won't get it in the future. Mesothelioma takes time to develop and the more your exposure to asbestos, likely the more severe your symptoms may be.

Mesothelioma is not contagious and it is not spread through coughing, eating or drinking after another person or in any other common way. If someone you know has this type of cancer, you can't catch it from them. There is also no research to show that smoking cigarettes increases your risk of developing mesothelioma. However, if you have already been diagnosed with it, you will likely be advised to stop smoking as it can make your condition worse.

Regardless of what causes your disease, the diagnosis and treatment processes will likely all be the same. However, it is good for many people to try to determine the cause of how they obtained their mesothelioma and in some cases, you may even be able to start a lawsuit against the place that you were exposed in if the exposure occurred after the public had been made aware of the danger. You will need a mesothelioma lawyer to help you with this and you will need to be able to prove your what caused your cancer.

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